
4 tips for caring for your dog’s health this winter
Just like our humans, some dogs love the cold, winter months - but not all pooches are fans of the harsh temperatures and darker days. In fact, there is a general misconception that dog’s don’t feel the cold due to their lovely warm coats, but that’s not always the case. You might be surprised to learn that just like us, dog’s can and do feel the cold which can of course affect their health and wellbeing during the winter season.
Rest assured, there are plenty of things you as an owner can do to help keep your furry friend at their best during the next few months, and we’ve listed a few below;
- Care for their paws. The ice cold ground takes its toll on a dog’s paws, causing them to become dry, an even sore if ice builds up around their pads. Try to keep the fur around their feet well trimmed to lessen the likeliness of ice building up and causing their feet to become sore. We also recommend regular wiping/cleaning of your dog’s feel following walks, as this time of year roads and streets are covered in salt and other less pet friendly ice-melters that can cause their feet serious irritation.
- Don’t be fooled by their thick coats. Some breeds, like Huskies, are well equipped for the winter months with their lovely, thick coats. But for dog’s with thinner coats, they’ll begin to feel the cold much quicker - meaning shorter walks may be a more sensible idea if it’s particularly cold outside. Also, some pooches love to jump in rivers when out on walks - try to avoid this during the colder season as this can make them feel even colder and could even lead to hypothermia.
- Ensure they’ve got a warm, cosy bed. Getting your dog’s bedding just right is almost just as important as a babies. They need to feel warm and cosy, but not to the point where they’ll quickly overheat. Avoid putting your dog’s bed close to any heaters, but instead ensure they’re not in the pathway of a draft, or on cold, tiled floors. Bulk them up with cosy blankets and for those that suffer with joint pain, opt for a heated pet bed - which of course we stock!
- Keep fuelling their immunity with vitamins. Whatever your dog’s age, they need to be getting their full dose of vitamins and minerals, all year round. This is particularly important during the winter months, when the cold, wet weather takes its toll on their immunity. We stock a wide range of leading brands that specialise in dog vitamins and minerals - browse here.
- Ben Abimbola
- Tags: Dog Health Winter

Does your dog suffer from bad breath? Here's what it could be...
Believe it or not, a dog’s breath shouldn’t be smelly. In fact, any unpleasant odours that persist, could be a sign of a health problem.
If your dog has suffered from smelly breath, over a long period of time, this could be a sign of a build up of bacteria in his or her mouth. Sometimes this bacteria, caused by plaque and tartar, can accumulate and cause painful gums and loose teeth - also known as gum disease.
If you suspect this could be what’s affecting your poor pooch, take a look inside their mouth. A healthy dog’s mouth will have pink, straight gums with clean, whole teeth.
What else could it be?
Do your dog’s teeth and gums look healthy? Gum disease isn’t the only possible culprit here. Smelly breath can also be a sign of other bodily issues, including your dogs lungs or even their stomach. Although this may sound scary - it could be something as simple as a dietary issue - so don’t panic.
Don't self-diagnose
Whatever the issue, it’s always best to seek professional advice from your dog’s vet. They’ll be able to distinguish the cause of your dog’s bad breath and rule out any issues that may be worrying you.
Can brushing help?
Just like us humans, practicing good oral health is just as important for dogs. It’s often easier to get into this habit from a young age - making the whole process a little easier for the both of you.
Foods and snacks
It’s also worth considering whether your dog’s diet is supporting of great oral health. We stock a whole range of foods and treats that are designed to prevent the unwanted build up of bacteria. Shop our best-sellers here:
- Ben Abimbola
- Tags: Dental Care Dog Diet Dog Food Dog Health Dog Health Advice Dog Nutrition

Help your dog gain weight, the healthy way
Whether a dog has been neglected and malnourished, is recovering from an illness, or is simply a highly active, working dog - their weight can become an issue that needs a quick and healthy remedy.
Miracle Vet is a high-calorie liquid that’s all-natural. This healthy solution can help any dog, of any breed, put on the weight they need to stay healthy.
By simply adding the liquid to any dog food, be it wet, dry or raw via a syringe, or even to their water, they’ll be sure to get the extra calories they need to stay healthy and strong. Just to give you an idea - each 16oz. bottle contains 2,400 calories. 2,080 of those calories are from fat.
Suitable for dogs ages 4 weeks and older, Miracle Vet is completely natural and thereby has no side-effects. You’ll also be pleased to learn it contains no trans fats, or artificial colours, flavours or ingredients. What does it include? Ingredients include fish oil and whey protein.
Learn more about everything this amazing product has to offer here.
- Ben Abimbola
- Tags: Dog Health Dog Weight Weight Gainer

Quality kibble and high-protein treats - A match made in heaven
So you’ve tried and tested our high-quality doggy kibble to find that whichever product of ours it is that your dog has eaten - we’ve been true to our word and the results have been amazing, right?
Whether it’s the legacy Imperial Food or the newer but equally brilliant Belcando kibble, we quite literally stock dog food to suit every single age and dietary requirement. And now that you’ve probably taken the leap and invested in our amazing kibble, you’re probably considering which snacks and treats to pair it with.
You’ll be pleased to know, we’ve got lots to choose from when it comes to tasty dog treats that are equally healthy. To make things a little easier, we’ve listed below some of our absolute favourite treats that are great pairings with all of the dog foods that we stock.
- Rodi Training Sausages - Packed full of flavour, these training causes are an absolute treat for any dog. Containing fresh, nutritious ingredients, packed full of proteins, vitamins and minerals, what’s not to love! Shop from £24.99.
- Bully Max Soft Performance Chews - Don’t let the name put you off. These chews aren’t solely for dogs that want to build muscle. In fact, they’re a great treat for healthy growth and development, containing vital nutrients and vitamins that even pregnant dogs will benefit from. Shop from £49.99.
- Naturis Smoked Dino Bones - A fantastic natural snack that’ll satisfy their appetite, all while looking after their oral health. If it’s a good source of protein and essential vitamins that you’re after, this giant bone is packed full of both. Shop from £4.99.
- Naturis Chicken Necks - Chicken necks you ask? Once again, these beauties are full of flavour and goodness, and are amazing at maintaining a healthy gut. Does your dog suffer from bad breath? These will help to freshen things up! Shop from £3.79.
These are just some of our favourites, but there’s plenty more to choose from. To shop our full range of dog foods and healthy treats, click here.
- Ben Abimbola
- Tags: Dog Diet Dog Food Dog Health Dog meat Dog Nutrition Dog Snacks Dog Treats Grain-free

Opting for grain-free dog food? Make sure it’s nutritionally complete
Your dog’s diet is critical to their overall health and wellbeing. If your dog’s food isn’t satisfying their nutritional demands, they simply won’t thrive - and may even become poorly down the line.
What does my dog actually need?
So what does a well-balanced dog diet actually look like, you ask?
Well, veterinary experts claim that for optimum canine health, dogs need a suitable amount of minerals, vitamins, amino acids, and essential fatty acids - all of which play an important function in maintaining a healthy and happy dog.
Essential amino acids, for example, you’ll find in proteins, and essential fatty acids, from healthy fats - of course. The quantities they need, just like for us humans, will depend of a range of factors, such as the size of your dog and their stage of life i.e. if they’re a puppy, or a senior dog.
Is grain-free good or bad?
There’s a lot of different opinions on whether grains are harmful to a dog’s digestive system, while some have also claimed a grain-free diet isn’t a substantial one.
Of course, some dogs simply suffer from intolerances - leaving owners with very little choice than to opt for gluten or grain-free.
If opting for an easily digestible grain-free kibble, it’s essential to do some research first and ensure the food you choose for your dog is balanced and nutritionally complete.
To make the process easier, we’ve done all of the research for you - and only sell grain-free kibble that’s formulated with the finest ingredients to guarantee your dog’s diet is nutritionally complete.
Nutritionally complete foods
Belcando and Smolke are two excellent examples of brands that understand canine nutrition and have therefore developed a remarkable formula to provide a healthy and adequate replacement to grain.
Belcando, for example, has included a composition of vegetables including valuable amaranth, peas and potatoes - perfect for taste but also your dog’s health, containing the fibre, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants they need to ward off illnesses.
- Ben Abimbola
- Tags: Canine Nutrition Cereals & grains Dog Food Gluten Grain-free

Introducing the new Belcando Puppy & Dog Food Range!
At Pooch DVD, we’re highly committed to offering only the best of the best when it comes to dog food, snacks and supplements. That’s why we’re extremely excited to announce that we’ve recently added Belcando to our list of favourite dog food brands! Offering dog food for special nutritional phases, i.e. old age, through to foods designed for dog’s with sensitivities and intolerances, there’s a Belcando meal for every dog, including:
Young Dogs
Just like babies, to offer a young dog the very best start in life, feeding them the best quality foods and ingredients is a necessity. Adult dog food doesn’t always satisfy a young dog’s nutritional demands, which is why brands like Belcando, offer products tailored to the special needs of a youthful pooch. From puppy milk through to dry puppy food (even grain-free), there’s a variety of options available.
Adult Dogs
Every adult dog is different. Some live more active lifestyles, therefore requiring more energy-fuelling ingredients in their foods, while others may simply have a dislike for certain flavours. Whether your dog’s activity levels range from normal to high, or they have a sensitivity to grains, there’s a Belcando option to suit.
Special Nutritional Phases
If your dog is overweight, or getting older and at risk of typical health issues such as arthritis, we now stock a range of Belcando products designed to satisfy a whole range of special nutritional phases - all of which have proven to work wonders. Whatever kibble you’re looking for, we’ve got it - even soya free!
From large bags of dry food, through to tasty toppings and meat tins, there’s a perfect Belcando meal for every pooch - including yours. Click here to shop the full Belcando range today!
- Ben Abimbola
- Tags: Belcando Dog Allergies Dog Food Dog Health Dog Health Advice Puppy