Does your dog suffer from bad breath? Here's what it could be...
Believe it or not, a dog’s breath shouldn’t be smelly. In fact, any unpleasant odours that persist, could be a sign of a health problem.
If your dog has suffered from smelly breath, over a long period of time, this could be a sign of a build up of bacteria in his or her mouth. Sometimes this bacteria, caused by plaque and tartar, can accumulate and cause painful gums and loose teeth - also known as gum disease.
If you suspect this could be what’s affecting your poor pooch, take a look inside their mouth. A healthy dog’s mouth will have pink, straight gums with clean, whole teeth.
What else could it be?
Do your dog’s teeth and gums look healthy? Gum disease isn’t the only possible culprit here. Smelly breath can also be a sign of other bodily issues, including your dogs lungs or even their stomach. Although this may sound scary - it could be something as simple as a dietary issue - so don’t panic.
Don't self-diagnose
Whatever the issue, it’s always best to seek professional advice from your dog’s vet. They’ll be able to distinguish the cause of your dog’s bad breath and rule out any issues that may be worrying you.
Can brushing help?
Just like us humans, practicing good oral health is just as important for dogs. It’s often easier to get into this habit from a young age - making the whole process a little easier for the both of you.
Foods and snacks
It’s also worth considering whether your dog’s diet is supporting of great oral health. We stock a whole range of foods and treats that are designed to prevent the unwanted build up of bacteria. Shop our best-sellers here: https://poochdvd.com/collections/featured-products
- Ben Abimbola
- Tags: Dental Care Dog Diet Dog Food Dog Health Dog Health Advice Dog Nutrition