Is your dog getting the right nutrition?

We take our own consumption of food seriously - and the same should also apply for our dogs., right? Absolutely. To live a long, healthy life, it’s important that our furry friends consume food that’s packed with all of the necessary vitamins and minerals needed, in the correct balance of course.
Just like humans, our pets need to a good combination of nutritious foods, including fats, protein, carbohydrates - you name it. All of these essentials will ensure your dog remains energetic, fit and healthy at all times. Getting all of these ingredients in the right proportion for your pet is important and that’s why it’s always important to check the nutrition label. For example, pet food manufacturers design food for dogs at specific ages (i.e. puppy and adult) and they also cater food for dogs with specific health conditions such as heart disease.
We work with man’s best friend on a daily basis and can honestly say that there is a clear and very visible difference between a dog that is receiving the correct nutrition and a dog that is not. Those that are well nourished will maintain excellent muscle tone, healthy teeth, bones and coat, quality digestion, as well as maintaining a fantastic ability to perform at their best physically.
And just like humans, a health dog will be able to fend off nasty infections much better than a dog that isn’t receiving a well balanced diet. As owners, we want to guarantee our pets a long, quality lifestyle and so our best chances of achieving this are to provide the highest quality of food possible.
The best quality food for dogs are those that contain human-grade ingredients, including Omega 3 and Omega 6 fatty acids. Lower quality food on the other hand, is likely to contain sources of protein that us humans wouldn’t even think of consuming - including chicken beaks. Lower quality foods are also more likely to contain artificial ingredients, sugars and other unhealthy additives that will make their foods taste better, but have an overall negative impact on our pup’s health.
Our recommendation to our fellow dog owners is to check the label before purchasing your next bag of dog food - just as you would your own. Because for our pets to live a long happy life, it all starts with what enters their bodies. You are what you eat, after all. To see our preferred dog food providers, browse the pet food collection within our catalogue.
- Tags: Dog Food Dog Health Dog Nutrition
- Ben Abimbola